I think this was all exactly right when you wrote it in September. It seems like Elon Musk got the message as well and is taking pages out of Waymo's playbook:


Do you have an updated prediction of how that will go?

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Excellent articles. Thank you! I guess the new news is Tesla's announced plan to "dip a toe in the water" in Austin this summer. Apparently Musk is going to eat crow and do all the things he's tried to ridicule Waymo for: pre-mapped routes, Lidar sensors, remote humans to help when the cars get confused.

I kind of thought Tesla had no hope of catching Waymo when Tesla was rejecting all those things. Now, well, I'm a bit less sure, at least.

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My only experience with a robotaxi was in SF a year or so ago. It was a free ride a friend of mine had access to, and it immediately got stuck in a loop going around the block. It wouldn’t stop, and a remote human driver had to take over.

I don’t really know much about the state of the industry, and honestly I can excuse a robotaxi hitting a person who basically jumps in front of it out of nowhere, as that’s a difficult situation to avoid from any driver, but the sheer ineptitude of doing nothing but making left turns indicates to me there’s a very long way to go.

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No doubt there is a long way to go but we're moving pretty fast...

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I want to adapt Alan Kay's great comment used for commending the first Apple Macintosh computer: Andrew's essay on robotaxis here is "good enough to criticize." which translates "to well worth reading." Given the Elon Musk Tesla cultish fan club, the essay here is furthermore brave. I also bet it will emerge as prescient. Disclosure, however: I'm working closely with Andrew on our End of Driving textbook so I know how deeply and carefully he thinks about the topics in "Changing Lanes."

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Thanks, John! I appreciate the kind words.

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Now I suggest and hope you'll write something about the probabilities around the ongoing years of work of Google-Alphabet-Waymo on developing and deploying robotaxis. All sorts of video available online to illustrate progress in deployment, including the ongoing live stream of the Waymo vehicle holding yard in San Francisco at https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=h53xlXu_6C4

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I certainly will write about this soon... but not immediately. My "beat" here is not just automated driving, but mobility, innovation, and progress. There have been matters to cover in other areas I would like to cover. But don't fear, robotaxis will never be far from my thoughts

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Good piece! Do you have more details on Zoox's revenue deployment in Las Vegas? I see lots of articles about them testing there but can't find anything about there being a commercial service yet.

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Nothing I can share (yet)...

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So when you say they began revenue service in June that’s based on your own sources rather than an official zoox announcement?

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I think I may have gotten this one wrong. I will revise the piece to reflect.

I do have contacts there and am expecting to speak to them in person next month. When I get clarity on this, I will let you know (to the extent I am permitted to do so).

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